Title: Shopaholic to the Stars (Shopaholic #7)
Author: Sophie Kinsella
Publisher: Random House Canada
Publication date: October 21, 2014
Publisher: Random House Canada
Publication date: October 21, 2014
Genre(s): Chick Lit
Source: Publisher
Format: Finished copy
Pages: 479
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Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) has stars in her eyes. She and her daughter, Minnie, have joined husband Luke in LA—city of herbal smoothies, multimillion-dollar yoga retreats, and the lure of celebrity. Luke is there to help manage the career of famous actress Sage Seymour—and Becky is convinced she is destined to be Sage’s personal stylist, and go from there to every A-list celebrity in Hollywood! But things become complicated when Becky joins the team of Sage’s archrival. How will charming and supportive Luke deal with this conflict? Is it possible that what Becky wants most will end up hurting those she loves most? Shopaholic fans old and new will devour Sophie Kinsella’s newest adventure!

I still can't believe it happened but we are finally back into Becky's world! Mini shopaholic came out in 2010, four years later, we finally get a sequel that also ends in a cliff hanger so i'm crossing my fingers for an 8th book! The Shopaholic series isn't my favorite by Sophie Kinsella.. and I pretty much read all the books under this name. However, getting back into Becky's world (I reread mini shopaholic before picking this up) has reminded me of the reason why I tolerate Becky and dare I say, love her through all the craziness that she gets herself into. These first two paragraphs will be non spoiler but before I get to the spoilers, I will add a disclaimer.
I love Kinsella's writing. I love how witty and funny and endearing all the characters are. If it was any writer with these characters, I personally would have been so frustrated and quit the series ages ago. Becky's shallowness gets to me sometimes I have to admit, but I soon forget about it and enjoy the where the storyline is going and how crazy things are. Honestly, I think Becky is a genius. No one is able to get themselves out of situations the way she does… and she uses the wackiest way but lo and behold, she doesn't just get out of the situation, she ends up getting something out of it. I feel if Becky put her mind to get and do anything, she'll get it and do it for sure. I get why Kinsella doesn't want her to grow out of it and finally realize she's not a kid anymore and she should act more like an adult. I don't think the book would be any fun without her crazy antiques!
Slight spoilers of the previous books begin now: As for all the other side characters, it is no secret that I love Luke too much. I honestly don't know how he finds everything Becky does so endearing and lovable. He really is the perfect husband in my eyes. I love how serious he is but at the same time he is so loving to Minnie as well as Becky. His fatherly side is really something to admire. However in this book, I liked how he finally put Becky into perspective for every outrageous thing she's done. I think she went too far during some parts in this book and I like that there were people, including Suze (her best friend), who gave her a reality check. I also really like Becky's parents as well as all her circle of friends and family. They all are a laugh.
This book is 480 pages. However I breezed through it. It really reminded me that I need to read more chick lits because they are such pleasant and happy reads (well, most of them) and sometimes you need something addicting and fun. Becky and Kinsella really deliver in that department (get it? department? Becky's addiction to shopping? haha). I can't wait for a sequel (praying there will be one) because the way it ended makes you want to pick up the next book. Also, Sophie Kinsella is publishing her first young adult novel and that has me unbelievably excited! we don't have many british chick lit writers that make the jump to YA and I am intrigued to see how her humorous writing will translate to a YA book. If you haven't started the Shopaholic series, I urge you to do just that. This is the perfect series to start if you are new to the chick lit world.
I love the rest of this series, I've got to get ahold of this one soon! Great review!
ReplyDeleteAHH. From watching your booktube channel, I know you LOVE Sophie Kinsella. Can you believe that I haven't read a single book by her! I think I would be a huge fan of chick-lit too, since I'm a girly-girl...and I love shopping, haha! I only read the first half of your review, but from what I gathered, Becky seems like such a fun character! She has her flaws, but hey, nobody's perfect, right? Awesome review and photos! Glad you loved this one :)