This is a weekly meme. It was created by Stuck In YA Books & A Cupcake and a Latte. Bloggers will tell others what is your favorite book and why you love it. This will include an genres of books (fiction particularly) . The blogger must add a link to where viewers can add their book to their TBR lists. (via Stuck In YA Books)
The book i’m choosing is a Young adult contemporary novel. It is a coming of age novel.

Synopsis:Patty Taylor can handle anything. So what if the guys in her band dismiss her as just a pretty face, hired by their manager to make them more popular? She’s already survived a bad childhood, a destructive teenage relationship, homelessness, and working twelve-hour shifts washing dishes. Traveling with the band gives her a way to provide for Willie, the two-year-old son she adores.But on a hot summer day in Kentucky, when Willie’s father shows up outside her hotel room, newly paroled from prison and intent on having her and his son back, Patty begins a journey that will change her from a girl who can put up with anything to a woman with a voice that can bring the house down.
This book blew me away. From the first page i was hooked. It was truthful, raw, honest, beautiful! Patty was a true female heroine that i look up to. She is a single mother trying to pursue her dream and still keeps going when everyone else puts her down. The relationship she has with her son is so heartwarming. Willie is so adorable, he was a source of many laughs throughout the book and of course heartbreaks because of his innocence and the apparent painful need for a father figure. I loved every single line of this book. I’ve recommended it to all my friends and every single one of them loved it. They would all curse me for making their hearts break but at the same time grateful to still know there are books that can touch our hearts and still mean something to us several years later. I’ve read the book almost 3 years ago and ive reread it countless times.
- Paperback: 304 pages
- Publisher: Downtown Press; Original edition (April 6, 2004)
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