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March 02, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (9) - The one with the overwhelming number of books!

Meme Hosted by Tynga's Reviews

Review books received from publishers
We are so excited for all these titles! Thank you Penguin Canada and HarlequinTeen! Farah is super excited for The Eternity Cure and INK, while Juhina is excited for The Moon and More and Star Cursed!! 

Books swapped/received from bloggers & Event
Thank you so much to every last one of you! yes, I am talking to you amazing canadian bloggers. Thanks Tiff, A A Omer, Ashley, and Michele! You guys are awesome for giving away these amazing books. Juhina is SUPER excited for Fever & Sever while Farah is dying to pick up Just Listen! 

Books won at the event
Thank you SO MUCH Penguin Canada and Faze Magazine for these awesome books. More than one of these have been on Juhina's wish list for a while! 

Lastly, our only library book 
Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick

How was your week in books guys? link us to your book hauls in the comments below


  1. I'm so excited about Ink! It sounds different and I just love the cover art. Enjoy your books, ladies! ^^

  2. Thanks for stopping by my STS! Wow, amazing reads! Sever was so depressing, still recovering honestly. But I can't wait to read Black City and the Lost Prince.

  3. I read Speechless not to long ago and I really enjoyed it, Also L.A. Candy was awesome I loved the while trilogy! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week :)

    My IMM

  4. Oh wow, what a GREAT haul!! I really want to read Venom, Legend, Origin, Black City & the Eternity Cure! So many of the rest of these I've heard amazing things about too so I think you're going to have fun :D Congrats on ALL your goodies & thanks for sharing!

  5. So many pretty books! I can't wait to read almost all of those. Hope you enjoy them.

    The Monster Report

  6. So many amazing books! I loved Black City and Legend. Also, The Moon and More and The Eternity Cure look great. Enjoy all your books!

  7. I began reading Ink the moment I got it in the mail and could not put it down. I had to force myself to stop because I have other books that I need to read first! Still dying to pick it back up, though. :P I hope you enjoy! There are so many awesome books in this weeks haul!

  8. Wow, so many awesome books for you this week! I don't even know where to begin! Many books I still want to read! I absolutely love The Lost Prince, I hope you do too! Enjoy your new books.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Wow, you got Impostor, Star Cursed and The Moon & More!!! That's EPIC :)

    Enjoy your books!

  10. Great Haul!

    I read both Finale and Just Listen (again) this week. I hope Farah enjoys it! I'll have to look into Ink. I haven't heard of it before.

    Old follower!

    My STS Stacking the Shelves (#2)
    LisaILJ @ Iā€™ll Tumble for YA

  11. Whoa! That really is a pretty overwhelming haul! I'm super excited for Ink and Paper Valentine, and I can't wait to pick up Fever and Sever sometime soon! Happy reading!

    Thanks for popping by my haul c:

    Lust For Stories

  12. Wow! Awesome haul!! Loooved the Eternity Cure! Hope you enjoy all these awesome reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  13. Very nice haul. Hoping to read The Immortal Rules soon.


  14. What a great haul! I think Ink sounds the most intriguing. A paranormal with Japanese elements? I really want to check that one out.

  15. Holy Hannah, ladies! Epic doesn't come close. :) Enjoy!

  16. What a great haul. I'm super jealous right now, but am trying not to be.....enjoy all of your books.

    Here's my haul

    ~Danica PageTaking it One Page at a Time

  17. So many great books! Legend by Marie Lu was amazing. You should definitely start on that one :) Hope you enjoy everything!

    -Ariella @ Secrets of Lost Words

  18. SO many books! That is awesome. I got Paper Valentine this week too. I've already read it. It's so so so good. I hope you enjoy it and your other goodies. Happy reading :)

  19. HOLY MOLY THAT IS A TON OF BOOKS! Star Cursed - do tell! I didn't like Born Wicked, but I am going to continue with the series. The Moon and More! I got rejected for that one on Edelweiss :( I hoep you enjoy everything! So many books - and they are all fabulous! :D

    Thank you for stopping by my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  20. Holy butt monkeys! That's a lot of books... And the ones I've read are good. The ones I haven't are most likely in my tbr pile. Great haul!

    Thanks for visiting my haul.

  21. Awesome haul! I canĀ“t wait to read Star Cursed and Ink (love the cover).
    Enjoy your books!
    Here is My Stacking the Shelves

  22. So many books, so much reading fun. :)

    I hope both of you really enjoy Ink, it's really good, what with all the Japanese mythology, the magic and the drawings, and of course, the action. And the cute kendo boys. ;)

    Lindsay | Me on Books

  23. The Moon and More, The Moon and More, The Moon and More!!!! This is such a fantastic haul!

  24. Wow ladies this is one epic haul! I'm insanely jealous about your copies of Monstrous Beauty and The Moon and More. I also received a copy of The Eternity Cure and I can't wait to get started on it! Happy reading! :)

  25. New follower!'ve got so much good stuff going on that I don't even know where to start! Congrats!

    Check out my SP & STS.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  26. Wow - what an awesome book haul. I look forward to reading the reviews :).

  27. Fantastic book haul, these should keep both of you even busier!!!

  28. The event sounds awesome! You got the Moon and More, I cannot wait to get it!!

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by :)

  29. Wonderful haul guys! I am seriously impressed! Monstrous Beauty is my favorite mermaid book, hands down. So far anyway. And I am so jealous you got Ink by Amanda Sun. *grabby hands* I want it so badly!

  30. Wow! Enjoy your books! You guys got a great set!!!

    New GFC Follower

    My STS

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  31. I was so jealous when I saw Origin come up in the video. (Book envy!). I hope you both enjoy all the books you got :D

  32. Tons of great books! I LOVED The Eternity Cure!!!! And Venom!!! Sever was good too! And I want pretty much everything else you have! I need to read Black City, Legend, and anything by Sarah Dessen. I have yet to read anything by her yet. Thanks for stopping by!

  33. Ahh! So many awesome books :D I hope you guys enjoy them all. <3 Sigh. I loved The Eternity Cure :) Jealous that you have a print copy of it :D *wants* <3 Happy reading ;)
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  34. Wow, that is a whole lot of awesome!! I am super excited for The Eternity Cure too!! I got it from NG. And OMG Star Cursed!!! Congrats on the win too. That's a great stack of books!!

  35. WOAH! You girls got some AMAZING books! Sweet! Enjoy them all :)

  36. WOW! So many amazing books! :O I am dying to read The Eternity Cure, Just Listen, Fever, Speechless and Origin!
    I have Legend on my TBR pile and it looks great. Happy reading and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  37. Oh my goodness, ALL THE BOOKS <3 Mostly, I am very excited for Black City, The Innocents, Origin and Venom. Enjoy ladies! :)

  38. Wow, that is a seriously epic haul! I am jealous of ALL THE BOOK but most jealous of that copy of The Moon and More! I hope you enjoy all of your new reads!!!

  39. Holy crap that's an amazing pile of goodies!!! I'm totally jealous! Seriously, I'm drooling. I need to get myself a job so I can get more books lol.

    Thanks for stopping by Book Cover Justice :)

  40. Legend is good :) it's sequel, Prodigy is quite okay, too.

    my STS
